Sunday 18 October 2015

Shake It Off - The 7 stages of getting your hair cut

You all know the feeling of a rollercoaster, one minute you are high up in the air, the next your stomach drops and you are falling towards the ground. Does anyone else feel like when you get a hair cut, whether it’s just a trim or cutting off a lifetime’s worth of hair, it sends you on an uncontrollable emotional rollercoaster?

Recently, while getting my hair cut, a fair amount of hair was cut off I might add, I realised there are 7 very clear stages that my mind goes through so I thought I’d share them with you and see who else feels the same.
Stage 1: Naïve Optimism
This is the stage where you sit down and explain to the hair dresser EXACTLY what you want, positive that they understand. Hate to break it to you guys but sometimes… they can’t actually read your mind. Never the less, at this point you are always full of hope that it will be the best hair cut of your life, you will actually want to have your photo taken, and it is going to be life changing.
Stage 2: Somersaulting Butterflies
This is where you are so excited but at the same time your brain is freaking out, and you keep thinking about all the possible things that could go wrong. What if they cut it too short? What if the colour isn’t right? What if they don’t part my hair right? All these endless questions that just keep on going on inside your head. Meanwhile you have to keep smiling, and look presentable for the hair dresser. Anyone else get this feeling?
Stage 3: Exciting Times
Now as you start to relax, the hair dresser washes and dries your hair. You’ve probably been waiting a while for this hair cut, and now your excitement has caught up with you. Your doubts start to slip away as you look in the mirror and tell yourself everything will be fine.
Stage 4: Desperate Longing
This seems to occur as the hairdresser picks up the scissors, and you have to stop yourself from closing your eyes and covering your face with your hands. The relaxation from a few minutes ago is completely gone. This absolutely desperate longing that they get it right comes over you, and it’s all you can think about. Slowly you hair the scissors snip, and feel your hair falling away and hit the ground.
Stage 5: Shock Horror
Now if you’re anything like me, you weren’t able to stop yourself from covering your face with your hands or closing your eyes. So when you finally open them, your first response is always just complete shock. Even if the hair cut is exactly what you wanted, it’s always a shock to see your hair completely changed, and you have to fight with everything in you to not let the surprise show on your face. It’s always a lot worse if its’s not what you wanted, and it’s even harder to hide the shock and disappointment from the person who has cut your hair.
Stage 6: Final Acceptance
This normally occurs after a good night’s sleep with your new hair. After possibly falling asleep with tears running down your face as you remember all the things you won’t be able to do now with your hair, you finally wake up and look in the mirror and smile. You start to like it, and start to realise that it won’t be so bad. You actually might be able to live with hair that doesn’t travel half way down your back after all.
Stage 7: Instagram Session
Now, once you’ve finally accepted it, it’s time to show your fabulous new hair cut to the world. (Although a little hard when your blog's anonymous to show it to everyone). As the comments start to load, you finally feel completely happy with your hair cut, ‘Wow it looks great’, ‘I can’t believe you cut your hair, it looks beautiful’ and others of that sort. At least I’m hoping this is the response everyone gets because no one should be commenting something on your photo that isn't nice.

And that’s it guys, my 7 stages of getting a hair cut. Thanks for reading anyone and everyone that has. Let me know if any of you have ever experienced anything like this before, or if I’ve forgotten a stage.

Tinkertwinklebell, flying off xx

Monday 21 September 2015

How Do You Feel Today? - struggles of getting ready

Does anyone else feel like getting ready for anything is always a massive struggle and makes you really stressed? Whether it's getting ready for school, going to work, preparing for a job interview, or anything really, it always makes me feel the same. 

Am I the only one? 

For me, getting ready on most mornings goes something like this. 

Step 1-Wake Up. Now, as much as this sounds easy, on a cold winter morning, getting out of bed to face a whole new day feels nearly impossible. 
 Step 2-The Shower. This step is often dependent on the ability to complete Step 1 fast enough. In the shower, it's almost like time freezes, I lose all concept of it and before you know it I've only got ten minutes to finish getting ready.
Step 3-Choosig Clothes. This, for me, takes the longest out of everything I have to do in the morning. I'll try on an outfit, decide I don't like it, change things about it, completely change it, then repeat the process. It's like a never ending cycle of indecision. 
Step 4-Attempting Makeup. By this time I normally have a few minutes left and everything about my makeup is rushed. As many of you might know, doing makeup in a hurry rarely goes well, and I always end up with strange contour lines or uneven eyeliner. I'm sure some people are wonderful at doing makeup in a hurry but I am definitely not one of those people.
Step 5-Tackling My Hair. I know for some people this is the easiest step but all those fellow curly haired poeple out there, it's always a battle including a hair brush, lots of knots and a can of hairspray. This is not to say that straight haired people have it easy, because I know you don't. For most of my childhood I had dead straight hair and had to constantly deal with the everlasting look of greasy hair, although now, with my curly hair, I seem to have twice as many bad hair days as I do good ones. 
Step 6-Picking Perfume. If you're anything like me and have a love of perfumes and body mists, picking a scent to wear is really difficult. Questions always run through my head, making the decision harder. Who am I going to see? How does this one make me seem? Have I put too much on? Do I want to use this, because there's hardly any left? I either have to just spray the first one I see without thinking, or spend forever deciding. 
Step 7-Running Out The Door. It's is at this point I realise I'm half an hour late, and I still have to eat breakfast. I throw everything I'm going to need for the day in my bag (and over half the time I forget something crucially important), and race through my house and out the door, hoping the traffic is in my favour. 

Can anyone relate?

To all those poeple out there who are skilled at managing time when it comes to getting ready, I bow down to you. Some days it's fine, and everything goes according to plan, but for majority of mornings this is not the case. I know it's a small issue in the big scheme of things, but it is a struggle of mine nonetheless and leaves me stressed for most of the day. 

Thanks for reading, let me know if you feel the same or have any crazy 'getting ready' stories. 

Tinkertwinklebell, flying off xx

Saturday 19 September 2015


To everyone and anyone reading this, welcome to my blog! I've been meaning to start it for a while but life just keeps getting in the way, in that frustrating way that it does. However now, today, feels like the perfect moment to begin.
I've been inspired to start a blog of my own by many of my favourite bloggers and youtubers, such as Zoella (Zoe Sugg), Sprinkle of Glitter (Louise Pentland), Tanya Burr and Niomi Smart, along with many others, but the main reason is to create a place to share my thoughts and feelings from my crazy life, where anyone who wants to can read them.
Anyone is welcome, but any fellow teen girls, who are struggling with anything from the smallest to the biggest problems of day to day life, I'm here to tell you that you aren't alone and for some of you, I know exactly how you feel. Having said this, I really do appreciate ANYONE, boy or girl, young or old, who is reading this and I would love to hear your thoughts on this blog and anything else.
As much as I will talk about music: my favourite artists, songs and other things about it, and share my fashion and beauty tips, this is blog is really just where I can talk about and share with you the things in my life, the things I love or find irritating, the things that make me happy or make me sad, or the things that excite me that I just have to talk about or my head will burst.
Life is always changing, so full of unknowns, things don't go to plan or they don't turn out how you think they will so it's nice to have a constant and mine will be this blog.
I was inspired to keep this blog anonymous, for the time being, by Zoella's fictional character Penny in her novel Girl Online, and I have decided to do so for a multitude of reasons.
1. I want to be able to share exactly how I feel, so that I can be as honest as possible with you.
2. I want this to be a safe and secure place for both your and my feelings.
3. I want to protect the privacy of my close friends and family.
I really hope you understand, but if you're still wondering I'm happy to answer any questions. (I am always wanting to ask a million questions about everything, so I'll understand).
Thank you for reading whoever you are, if there are any of you, I really do appreciate it and I hope you've been inspired to read my future posts.

Tinkertwinklebell, flying off. xx